Register to Attend AfICTA’s 13th Quarterly eConference

Fighting Disinformation as a Prominent Cybersecurity Challenge

Concept Note:

The phenomenon of disinformation (False Information / Fake News) is an intentional act of misleading, or providing people with wrong information, especially propaganda by or against a government, organization or individual. Its intention is usually to manipulate public opinion or influence political, social, or other outcomes which could take various forms, such as fabricated news articles, manipulated images or videos, deceptive social media campaigns, or even conspiracy theories.

Disinformation though has been in existence for centuries, became more prominent in the early 21st Century (digital age) due to the advent of the Internet and social media platforms that spread information rapidly and widely and such platforms have become a major contender/threat to the mainstream/traditional media outlets that is known for its authentic, organized and well-scrutinized information. Its existence has far-reaching consequences, including the potential to undermine democracy, incite social unrest, erode trust in institutions, and harm individuals and communities.

The 13th edition of the Quarterly eConference of Africa ICT Alliance - AfICTA, is being hosted by AfICTA Southern Africa Stakeholders in collaboration with the Institute of IT Professionals, South Africa - IITPSA and the session would examine the theme "Fighting Disinformation as a Prominent Cybersecurity Challenge", with the belief that addressing the issue of disinformation requires a multi-faceted approach which involves technology, media literacy efforts, policy interventions, and individual critical thinking skills. Fact-checking, enhancing digital media literacy, promoting responsible journalism, and fostering transparency from online platforms are all important steps in combating the spread of disinformation.

It's crucial for individuals to critically evaluate the information they come across, fact-check claims, and seek multiple reliable sources before accepting or further sharing such information. Being aware of the possibility of disinformation and encouraging responsible information consumption is essential in today's heavily interconnected world. The session would also examine 1. Brief History of Disinformation, 2. Disinformation in the Age of Social Media 3. The Challenges of Detecting Disinformation 4. Factors behind the Spread of Disinformation, 5. How to Detect and Forestall the Propagation of Disinformation and 6. To understand the risks of disinformation and misinformation.

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